#1. Earlier this month we headed up to Wrigley Field for a Cubs game.

ComEd-Providing customers with reliable... well, I guess we'll never know. ;-)
Anyway, Palmer sends two buses up for a Cubs trip every August. It's always fun to head to Chicago and have a good time with friends for the day. Here we are at the Cubby Bear across the street from the stadium having lunch before the game:

And here's our group ready for the game to start:

After the game I was really REALLY excited because there's a 7-11 across from Wrigley Field and I got to have a SLURPEE!!!!!!!!!! (1/2 coke, 1/2 cherry in case you were wondering)

#2. Brett's Birthday: The big 2-3 was probably not Brett's most exciting birthday ever. He had his first board review class that night (yuck!) and I had to work late. We did get to try a really good new Italian restaurant though. Here is Brett with one of his new toys:

#3. Brett's Badge Ceremony. Brett is officially cleared to see patients! YAY! To mark that event Palmer has a badge ceremony where the students are presented with their clinic badges by the director of clinics.

Go Dr. Brett!

1 comment:
Alright, let's see if I can remember all of this in order:
The Cub game looked fun; that is a weird slurpee cup; happy birthday Brett; what is that gift, though; congratulations Brett!!!!!
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