Okay, so I lied. There were never any more pictures of Phoenix like I said there would be. It's really hard to take pictures of things when you are in a seminar from sun-up to sun-down. I know you'll forgive me. To make amends, here are some pictures from our adventures from last weekend:
Brett went down to Atlanta, GA for a
Blair Upper Cervical seminar. He went down with his staff doctor at Palmer to get started on a research project they are working on that is going to examine the reliability of x-ray analysis. Yeah... He can explain it better than I can. Anyway, he had a good time and met a lot of great people. I did force him to take my purple camera with him and take at least a couple of pictures. Here is what he came home with:
Here's a shot of downtown Atlanta:

And here he is with all of his Blair peeps. Don't feel bad, I don't know who any of them are either.

(I apologize for the terrible picture quality. One of these days i will figure out what is wrong with that pesky little camera).
While Brett was in Atlanta, I was in Bloomington, MN with my co-workers for a chiropractic assistant seminar. We had a good time, but very little free time, so I was only able to get a few pictures. Our hotel was right next to the Mall of America. If you haven't been there before you should go. Sadly, there was not much time for shopping, but we were able to zip over there to grab a bite to eat.
Here I am with my friend and co-worker Amanda at a restaurant called Cantinas in the MOA:

They had interesting green rice:

And yummy enchiladas (even though they tried to contaminate them with chicken!):

From the restaurant you could see the amusement park. I really wanted to ride a ride, but there wasn't much time and nobody else was really interested. ;)

There was also this crazy Scrap Fest going on while we were there. There must have been thousands of women going from station to station creating all sorts of neat scrapbooking projects. That would have been right up my alley if I lived in Bloomington and had the time.